An update of the government assistance packages due to the COVID 19 outbreak
Further government assistances for business owners
<Issued: 18 July 2020 / Updated: 24 Aug 2020>
We hope that you and your business have readjusted to life under the lockdown measures in Victoria.
We also understand that many small businesses are now under another round of financial stress and therefore, please find as below what we know so far in relation to the latest round of relief and government assistances which have been announced to date.
| Business Support Program - Expansion
The Victorian State government is offering a one-off, grant for eligible businesses that have had their trading restricted by the new lockdown measures.
$10,000 : for employing businesses in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire in recognition of spending longer under restrictions
$5,000: for employing businesses in regional local government areas (except Mitchell Shire)
You can apply for the Business Support Fund if you meet ALL of the following conditions,
you have a trading address within Victoria
have a payroll of less than $3 million
are eligible for JobKeeper
have employees
have an ABN and are registered for GST at 30 June 2020
be registered with WorkSafe on 30 June 2020 (need to provide a WorkCover employer number – please contact us if you are uncertain)
is registered with the responsible state or federal regulator
As such, it is unfortunate, but the following businesses are not be eligible,
Sole Traders with no employees
Not signed up to JobKeeper
Also, businesses will have to provide evidence of their business address, using either a
Utility bill (electricity, gas, telecommunication, water) or
Lease agreement or
Council rate notice
Applications are open now until 14 September 2020.
| Other grants proposed from the Victorian Government
Regional Tourism Accommodation Support Program
Regional tourism businesses could claim up to $225 per night, for up to five nights, for every room cancelled due to new restrictions. Eligibility will be based on the bookings been refunded in full of no cancellation fees charged.
Applications are open now from the link below until 14 September 2020.
CBD Small Hospitality Grant
A grant has been allocated to help small and medium hospitality businesses in Melbourne’s CBD faced with a setback to their trading conditions. To be eligible for this grant, businesses must be a recipient of the Business Support Fund – Expansion grant and should receive an invitation to apply. Please refer to more information from the following link,
Hospitality Business Grant Program
This program supports food service businesses that have been affected by the return to Stage 3 and Stage 4 ‘Stay at Home’ restrictions. Businesses that have received a grant from the Victorian Live Music Venues Program and/or the Business Support Fund - Expansion program are not eligible to apply.. Please refer to more information from the following link,
Night-time economy support program
A $40 million dedicated fund for the hardest hit businesses in hospitality is been proposed by the Victorian government. Application is now open, and your interest can be registered from the link as below.
| Other grants proposed from City Councils
For any financial support that are been offered by the city councils, please check on the relevant council’s website where your business is located. However, we note a couple of grants that are currently been offered,
City of Melbourne – Small Business transformation grants (applications close 03 September 2020)
City of Stonington – Quick response COVID 19 business grants (applications close 30 August 2020)
Information based on facts we have summarised to the above updated date. We have not considered your personal circumstances and should you wish to consider it, please seek professional advice.